What To Expect

The aim of this study is to find out whether a drug works and is safe to take. The study drug will be compared with a placebo – which looks exactly like the study drug but contains no active medication. Approximately 200 people across Europe, North America and Asia are expected to take part.

Once enrolled, you will receive either the study drug or placebo. You will have a 50% chance of receiving the study drug. Neither you nor the study team will know which medication you are taking. This ensures that the results from the tests are handled in the same way.

Both the study drug and placebo are given as an intravenous infusion. A small tube attached to a needle will deliver a slow ‘drip’ of medication into a vein in your arm. You will receive 8 infusions. Each infusion will last about 1 hour. There will be no charge for any study-related treatment or care.

The study could last up to 10 months. It is composed of 3 parts:

Part 1: Screening – you will undergo tests to see whether you can take part

Part 2: Treatment – if you qualify, you will visit the clinic 10 times; once per month

Part 3: Follow-up – the study team will call you every 6 weeks to check on your health

No drugs are completely safe. One of the aims of this study is to find out whether the drug causes side effects. If you experience any discomfort during the study, you can contact the study team at any time.

What happens at the study center?

During visits to the study center, you will undergo tests and assessments. The purpose of these tests is to understand how your body is responding to the investigational drug.
You will experience the following at some point in the study:

A machine records the electrical activity of your heart through small patches attached to your chest, arms and legs.

You lie on a table that moves through a narrow cylinder. The machine uses a strong magnet to create detailed images of your tissue and organs

A sample is collected by inserting a small needle into a vein in your arm

A procedure that takes pictures of the inside of your body

The study team will give you the infusion during visits to the clinic






method of administration

